Salı, Mart 11, 2025
Ana SayfaAna SayfaStory Album - Android için APK İndirme

Story Album – Android için APK İndirme


Keep digital albums of your photographic memories with Story Album.

Story Album is an app that expands the things you do with the pictures you’ve taken and allows you to be more creative in the way you look back on the most memorable moments of your life.

Story Album gives you the chance to create whole albums of photos, about any specific events and subjects you want: birthdays, marriages, holidays, graduations, etc. Neatly organize your pictures by albums, so you can easily revisit your most special days in a matter of seconds!

Create your own timeline with all your special occasions and revisit and share your memories in a fun new way.

Create beautiful slideshows, with the preset options or your own unique style! Showing your pictures to your friends is a lot more exciting this way!

Easily import all the pictures saved on your phone or SD card into Story Album, so you can start working on your beautiful digital albums. You can also manage your photos here. Delete the pictures you don’t want anymore and free up space on your Android device!

Story Album gives you the opportunity to make incredible photo albums of all the moments that left a great mark on your life. Start reliving your memories in a more exciting way with Story Album!


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