Whats Tools For Watsapp-Status Saver,Instant Chat – Android için APK İndirme

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Whats Tools For Watsapp-Status Saver,Instant Chat

Whats Tools For Watsapp has 7 tools in one app – direct chat & whats web & text repeater..

You can download whats web app & fake chat & text repeater.. each app alone which means 7 apps in total or you can easily download Whats Tools For Watsapp and ignored all the 7 apps, Also whats tools take a small space on your android phone.

Whats Tools For Watsapp give you many tools for Whatsapp to make your life easy.

Whats Tools For Watsapp has all the features to make your app uses very robust, smooth and useful.

you need Whats Tools For Watsapp if you use chat app because it provides all the features in one place. It saves your data and memory of the app. Very simple to customize and manage.It’s boxes all the features that you need to enhance using chat application.

1.Unsaved Numbers

With this feature, you can send a message to any unsaved number on whatscan or you can find weather number is present on WhatsApp or not.

2.Text Repeater

Text repeater allows you to write any sentence or word and repeat it how many times you want in just one click and you can send it to WhatsApp Facebook directly.

3.Watsapp status Saver

With this feature, you can save your friend’s status on WhatsApp and repost it.

– Direct Chat in WhatsApp/Open Chat with Anyone

– Talk with stranger without saving number

– Send empty message to all your contacts

– Group Messaging with Direct Chat in WhatsApp

– WhatsApp Status Downloader App/Story Saver for WhatsApp


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